The Dark Crystal Brea The Gelfling Scalel Brea


Sports, Antiques, Hobbies • Antiques, Collectibles, Arts • Toys, Games
Added: 24 May. 2022, at 13:55 Ad ID number: #947


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Active: 1 year ago

Condition: New


Youngest daughter of All-Maudra Mayrin, Princess Brea was spared the duties of an heir in training: those responsibilities falling upon eldest sister Seladon. Where her middle sister Tavra took up the sword to become a warrior, Brea’s insatiable curiosity propelled her into more academic pursuits
1:6 scale
Portrays the curious Princess from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
Prototype by Weta Workshop sculptor Steven Saunders
Developed from digital scans of the original puppet seen on screen
High-quality polystone

Title: The Dark Crystal
Category: Statues
Approx. Height (Cm): 21
Material: Polystone
Age: 14+

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